Monday, April 23, 2012

We Are the Champions!

Well even though one of my teammates beat me to the punch I’m putting up more of the details and breaking it to anyone who doesn’t read his blog or that hasn’t heard yet.

 In Order: Aaron, Nick, Brad(Me), Andrew

That’s right my friends. My team of ringers carried me to the top spot at the 40k National Team Tournament. The team consisted of Nick Nanavati, Aaron Aelong, Andrew Gonyo and myself. All of us have either won Best Overall or General at a GT in the last year. I met Nick two years ago at the first Nova and met Andrew and Aaron this year at the Nova. I got along great with all three and thought it’d be a great group to get together. Well, at least one that wouldn’t kill each other or inspire other teams to kill us (outside of pure jealously for our amazing good looks that is J).

Andrew built and painted all 4k points and managed to put together an amazing display board (I swear I’ll try and get some photos up if I can find them. I left my memory card at home L). That gave use the chance if we could win and not be asshats to take the whole thing. And as it turned out the stars aligned and we managed to pull down the overall. Here is what we ran:

List 1 – Aaron Aelong

HQ (0 – 1)
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor – Psycotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades                   55
Troops (0 – 3)
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts                                                         62
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts                                                         62
6x Paladin: 2x Psycannon, 2x Sword, 2x Hammer, 2x Halberd                          370
Elites (0 – 1)
10x Purifiers: 2x Daemon Hammer, 2x Incinerator, 2x Psycannon              316
                Rhino: Dozer Blade, Searchlight
Heavy Support (0 – 1)
1x Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon, Psybolt ammo                                       135
Total Points:    1000

List 2 – Nick Nanavati

HQ (0 – 1)
Coteaz                                                                                                                  100
Troops (0 – 3)
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
5x Paladin: 2x Psycannon, 1x hammer, 2x sword, 2x halberd                                315
Elites (0 – 2*)
10x Purifiers: 2x Daemon Hammer, 2x Incinerator, 2x Psycannon, 4x Halberd        324
                Rhino: Dozer Blade, Searchlight
Heavy Support (0 – 1)
1x Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon, Psybolt ammo                                                   135
Total Points: 1000

Lists 3 – Brad Townsend

HQ (0 – 1)
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor: Terminator Armor, Psycannon, 3x Servo Skull                  89
Troops (0 – 3)
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
5x Paladin: 2x Master Crafted Psycannon, 1x hammer, 2x sword, 2x halberd         325
Elites (0 – 1)
10x Purifiers: 2x Daemon Hammer, 2x Incinerator, 2x Psycannon, 4x Halberd        324
                Rhino: Dozer Blade, Searchlight
Heavy Support (0 – 1)
1x Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon, Psybolt ammo                                                   135
Total Points:   999

List 4 – Andrew Gonyo

HQ (0 – 1)
Draigo                                                                                                   275
Troops (1 – 3)
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
3x Acolyte (LP/CCW), Razorback: Psybolts, Searchlight                                       63
5x Paladin: 2x Master Crafted Psycannon, 1x hammer, 2x sword, 2x halberd         325
Heavy Support (0 – 2*)
1x Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon, Psybolt ammo                                                   135
1x Dreadnought: 2x Autocannon, Psybolt ammo                                                   135
Total Points:    996

The idea being taking full advantage of the FOC changing abilities to give us four expendable capture units per game and 2 hard to kill, scoring, and solid shooting/assaulting platforms. All supported by more ranged firepower and some more generalist Purifier forces. It worked out pretty well for us as our armies were so similar that we didn’t really have bad match-ups and we could play to the same strengths in all our games.

First round we played an imperial coalition with 2 GK, 1 Deathwing, and 1 Space Wolf in it. The second round was a hybrid with Orks, 2 BA, and Daemons. The third round was a tough match game with our opponents bringing a BA, SW, IG, and CSM armies. The final round was against guys from my old game club and league in SoCal who brought a 2 SW/2 GK split that was pure nasty.

Overall it was an amazing event and we had some great games against some great people. Saw a lot of pretty armies and took home some decent loot which we split up after recovering from the shock of actually winning.