Two thirds of Warhammer 40,000 games revolve around objectives – either Capture and Control with two objectives, or Seize Ground with three to five objectives. The purpose of this article is to discuss how to most advantageously place objectives on the field for your benefit and to your opponent’s detriment.
There are two, possibly three army archetypes in regard to objective placement.
1. Armies that prefer objectives to be as close together as possible. This would be slow armies, foot-slogging armies, and armies that rely on being massed for their strength. Things like Orks, Tyranids, and Necrons.
2. Armies that prefer objectives to be as far apart as possible.
3. Armies that don’t care how far away objectives are. This would be fast armies and deep-striking armies.
After putting some thought into it, while #2 makes logical sense, I don’t think it is a realistic category – I can’t think of any army that would benefit from objectives being far away from each other, although I can think of many armies that don’t care, and would place them far away from each other in order to create a disadvantage for an enemy army.