Thursday, June 30, 2011

1st Company Goes to War! - Bugeater Game 3

So this weekend I headed down to the Bugeater GT in Omaha, Nebraska. It was a great event and here are two quick links: 

So I ran my newest painted army. My Deathwing which had:

Upgraded DW Squad w/Apoth, Banner, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC, Cyclone
3xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 5xTH&SS
1xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC
2xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 2xChainfist, 2xPowerfist, 1xPower Sword

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1st Company Goes to War! - Bugeater Game 2

So this weekend I headed down to the Bugeater GT in Omaha, Nebraska. It was a great event and here are two quick links: 

So I ran my newest painted army. My Deathwing which had:

Upgraded DW Squad w/Apoth, Banner, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC, Cyclone
3xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 5xTH&SS
1xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC
2xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 2xChainfist, 2xPowerfist, 1xPower Sword

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1st Company Goes to War! - Bugeater Game 1

So this weekend I headed down to the Bugeater GT in Omaha, Nebraska. It was a great event and here are two quick links: 

So I ran my newest painted army. My Deathwing which had:

Upgraded DW Squad w/Apoth, Banner, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC, Cyclone
3xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 5xTH&SS
1xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 4xTH&SS, 1 LC
2xDW Squad w/Cyclone, 2xChainfist, 2xPowerfist, 1xPower Sword

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tournament Review: Bugeater 2011

So this last weekend I made the drive down to Omaha, Nebraska for the first Bugeater GT. This was a first year event and it doubled as a fundraiser for the high schools debate team which was a nice addition. I had a great time and had some really good games. I’ll be putting up Batreps over the next week or so for the 6 games I played (with pictures even!) so check back to see those. Now on to the review.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Help us Design our T-Shirt!

Hey folks!

Hulksmash and I are planning on getting some bowling shirts for the blog; both for us to wear, and to give away to people for blog contests and stuff.

A bowling shirt is like a more durable polo shirt. We've got some initial ideas, which is this:

TSKF on the breast?
Logo name on the back? Picture of the Seal beating the space marine below it?
Should we put our names on them? I think we probably should.
The website is REALLY freakin' long. Not sure how to get that on there.

In the true spirit of a bowling shirt, we should have a picture of our Avatar with the name above it on the front breast, and the website logo on the back with a picture of the seal/marine.

But that still doesn't help us with the website name. I've been telling Hulksmash we should move to to make it easier, but he's resistant to moving.

Input welcome!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Off to the Bugeater GT!

So when this goes live I'll either be on the road or will have just arrived in Omaha, Nebraska for the Bugeater GT. I'm splitting a room with InquisitorDunn who posts on here from time to time and another one of his buddies who is gonna pull cot duty all weekend.

This is a 6-game 1,850 tournament that has the winner being determined by overall record for the weekend. It's strictly win/loss. However, much like the Nova it's based after, the second highest award (pretty equal really when you look at the prize support) is for the "Overall Winner". This is 50% battle, 25% Sports, and 25% Painting. I do think they probably should have stuck with the 33/33/33 split of the Nova since it's win/loss but it's still workable.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ogryns – The Shunned & Abused

So this article on Dakka popped back up:

It got me to thinking again, especially with how dismissive and plain incorrect some of the comments are, about one of my favorite units in the IG book. OGRYNS!

This article is a review on the strengths and weaknesses of this unit as it applies to the hardcore mech lists, hybrid lists, and the foot horde. Basically I want to talk about the Ogryns place in an IG army and try to explain their purpose for those people who actively dismiss them as a unit to bring and maybe see if I can get some people to give them a test run. This isn’t a “well you just don’t know how to use them” article. My goal is to explain their strengths and weaknesses and allow you to see if they might work for you.

So let’s look first at an Ogryns general positive points:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hobby! Deathwing Painting Update

So I finished putting these together on Sunday and as of Wednesday morning this is where they are at paintwise and I wanted to share with you guys my mad rush to finish painting and basing this army before the Bugeater GT this weekend.

First is Belial/Logan and another painted Termie. This is how all the models will look and these are two of the five total painted models I had when I started this insane project.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Seven

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Dashofpepper’s Darklight Storm:
HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculi with Shattershard and Crucible of Malediction

Nova Open 2011! Don't Miss Out!

So last year this was my favorite event I'd been to in a long, long time. Mike, the gentlemen in whose baby this is, runs a hell of an event with a ton of help from his local community. Last year was amazing and this year is shaping up to blow it completely away. Huge amount of prize support, tons of easy to find staff, great swag bags, and a fun atmosphere this is something I'd recommend to any gamer who enjoys tournaments.

Why am I putting this up? Because Mike is down to around 30 of his 256 allowed spots for 40k. He's also halfway thru his Fantasy allowance. And if GW games aren't you thing (then it's unlikely you're reading this blog..hehe) then there is Malifaux and Warmachine happening to from what I understand. Basically if you're on the fence about attending sign-up now to make sure you have a spot.

Here is the website:

Don't be shy and don't miss out. If you make it to one event before the end of the year I heartily recommend it be this one. Dash and I have been signed up since February and we're looking forward to meeting more people this year.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Six

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Dashofpepper’s Darklight Storm:
HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculi with Shattershard and Crucible of Malediction

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Five

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Dashofpepper’s Darklight Storm:
HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculi with Shattershard and Crucible of Malediction

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Boots on the Ground! Progression of a 2k Foot Grey Knight List

So yesterday I got a bit of Vassal on against Dash's Henchmen List. I had originally asked him what he thought of an all foot GK list. He laughed and told me I'd get shot to pieces and then proceeded to shoot me down so that our game ended 8-1 on KP's. Granted his army is a hard counter to what I was running but at the same time I shouldn't have a hard counter against any of my lists so I needed to tweak it. The list I ran yesterday looked like this:

2xMalleus in TA w/Psycannon
1x10 Purifiers w/4 Psycannons, 6 Halberds
2x5 Purifiers w/2 Psycannons, 3 Halberds
5x10 Strikes w/2 Psycannons, Hammer, Psybolt Ammo

72 Models w/20 Psycannons and 80 St5 Bolter Shots a turn.

But I ran into this hard counter in Dash's list:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Four (with a side rant)

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ard Boyz 2011 Musings

So recently I’ve found myself pondering what I’m going to be running for Ard Boyz this year. There are 3 stores in super easy distance for me to attend it at so that shouldn’t be a problem however picking my army might be.

Just as a heads up I sent in my army list for the Bugeater GT taking place next weekend and it looks like this:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Three

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Railhead Rumble - The Wolves come out of Retirement Games 1 & 2

So I brought my Space Wolves to the Railhead Rumble. I did make a slight tweak to my “super” list, dropping the dread and upgrading my Lone Wolves which turned out to be an excellent decision over the course of the weekend.

Here is my list:


2xLone Wolves in TA w/Chainfist & Storm Shield

3x5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun in a HB Razorback
1x5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer in a HB Razorback
10 Wolfguard:
2xTA w/WC & SS
1xTA w/2 WC
1xTA w/Combi-Plasma
1xTA w/Cyclone
1xTA w/Cyclone & Chainfist
3xPA w/Combi-Melta
1xPA w/Combi-Flamer

3x6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers in Assault Cannon Razorbacks

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog Update!

First off some of you might have noticed the new title of the blog. I wanna say thank you to Jordan on for helping us out with the awesome banner. He asked for a shout out for his blog which is here:

Secondly we've updated the email so that both Dash and I can get into it and answer it. So don't be shy about shooting us an email.

Thirdly and pretty awesomely I must say we've cleared 100 followers earlier this week which is great!

We're glad so many people are reading and enjoying the content and just want to say thanks. Also a big thank you to everyone who's clicking on the adds. We're getting close to paying for a full GT for the both of us just for us writing for you guys. We've got lots of ideas moving forward but we'll cover those another time. Once again, thanks for reading and clicking; every penny helps!

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game Two

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dashofpepper at the Railhead Rumble GT: Game One

June 10, 2011: Dashofpepper makes the drive the Dallas, TX for the Railhead Rumble GT. I arrived in Dallas, checked into the hotel, picked Hulksmash up from the airport, and headed to the Sheraton to scope out the GT area of A-Kon.

19,200 mostly 16-25 year olds swarming an anime convention…an hour after arriving and pushing our way through dressed up (or undressed) anime fans, we finally discovered that the GT was in the attached Marriott and made our way there to check it out. I’m glad that we did an advance recon, or we would have been extremely late the following morning, which is probably why the GT was an hour late kicking off – others weren’t so fortunate!

I brought my Dark Eldar to the Railhead Rumble. The list is as follows:

Tournament Review: A-Kon 2011

Since my batreps (which I totally forgot to take pictures of....I know!) are going to take a few days to get written up I'm throwing this up here first.

I want to start this out by saying I had a really good time. The TO's were approachable and good guys. There were actively out amongst the tables and seemed to enjoy what they were doing. Every opponent I had seemed like a great guy that I had good, fun game against and they seemed to think the same. I also want it to be clear that I knew the format going in and have 0 problems with the results of the tourney. So with that said let's get down to business.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dashofpepper's Guide to Tournament Success!

Hey folks!

I'm relocating articles I've written to the blog here, so while you may have read this before, I wanted it archived here.

Before the Tournament:

List Creation: If you're going to be playing in a tournament, you want to make sure that you have a "Take All Comers" list. Popular and powerful builds: Mechanized IG, Mechanized Spacewolves with Longfang Spam, TWC Spacewolves, Mechanized Blood Angels, Mechanized Eldar. Is your list capable of competing against these six builds? There are certainly others, but if you can stand toe-to-toe with those six builds, you'll be able to adapt and deal with other builds too. I don't want discussion about this article to devolve into a discussion of what makes a competitive list - there are a lot of theories about it, and it deserves its own thread - this isn't even a topic that can be summarized across all codices, but I list those six because they are amongst the most popular and the most likely that you're going to see across from you on the table in a competitive scene. The one thing I will offer here is that you should bring a list that you are comfortable playing (see my note on practice) - just because someone on the internet has had fantastic experience with a list doesn't mean that you are going to as well - a list is just a piece of your experience in a game; how you use it, what you face against, and your ability to adapt to changing needs on the table play a much bigger part. For example, I play a nonstandard Ork list that gets immense critique when I post it on the internet. It isn’t supposed to work, it isn't a netlist, but I have phenomenal experience with it because I'm intimately familiar with its strengths and weaknesses and what I need to do with it to pull out a win. Find what works for you, what you're comfortable playing, and tweak it and tweak it until you feel like it has the ability to face "all comers."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Railhead Rumble Here We Come!

So Dash and I are headed off to the Railhead Rumble this weekend at A-Kon. It looks like it's gonna be a good time. Even had a bit of a chat with one of the organizers a few nights ago to clear up some of the things we were curious about which is top notch. I'll be flying in this evening while Dash drives in today so there won't be much posting going on this weekend but that does mean you can look forward to at least some Batreps from myself if not from Dash as well.

I decided on running my Space Wolves as the travel constraints on my Nids are a bit of a problem until Battlefoam's new airline ready bag comes out. And I'll be running this:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dashofpepper on Objective Placement

Two thirds of Warhammer 40,000 games revolve around objectives – either Capture and Control with two objectives, or Seize Ground with three to five objectives. The purpose of this article is to discuss how to most advantageously place objectives on the field for your benefit and to your opponent’s detriment.

There are two, possibly three army archetypes in regard to objective placement.
1. Armies that prefer objectives to be as close together as possible. This would be slow armies, foot-slogging armies, and armies that rely on being massed for their strength. Things like Orks, Tyranids, and Necrons.
2. Armies that prefer objectives to be as far apart as possible.
3. Armies that don’t care how far away objectives are. This would be fast armies and deep-striking armies.

After putting some thought into it, while #2 makes logical sense, I don’t think it is a realistic category – I can’t think of any army that would benefit from objectives being far away from each other, although I can think of many armies that don’t care, and would place them far away from each other in order to create a disadvantage for an enemy army.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Introspection with Dashofpepper

I was chatting with one of my 40k friends today (Mike Brandt, from D.C) who checks in to see what I'm writing from time to time. We were chatting about...well, a bunch of different stuff. The part that I wanted to share and get some feedback on is this: Ego.

I write with passion. I also write as it comes out of my head, putting down via my fingertips a literal stream of what's coming out of my head. I use things like *ponders* and *laughing* and whatever else is in there as it comes out. Mike doesn't think that is a good approach; it isn't a dispassionate presentation of my ideas.

As an example - my last blog post - I wrote about the importance of generalship, and how I felt that the person playing an army is more important than the army they put on the table. I compared 40k commentators to professional sports - noting that no one...well, you can read it.

AdMech Counts-As Dark Eldar (Hobby Article)

So last night while I was at home watching the truly awful movie Pirahna (we all have guilty pleasures!) I decided to finally get started on an idea I'd been messing around with for quite some time. Some of you may know and some may not that I built a counts-as AdMech Daemon army last year, you can find it here:

I had a great time modeling this army and producing it. I have little labels printed out and put in the bag to limit confusion for my opponent and it got a very positive response in tournaments if not from some elements online.

Well when the Dark Eldar came out as much as I love their models the painting style doesn't mesh well with my styles (not good with smooth, I like edges) so again I was tempted to jump back into my AdMech to convert up a cool counts-as army. Well that project fell by the wayside as I got into my Bugs for most of this year as well as getting stuff painted for Adepticon and trying to get stuff painted for other events. Well I think this is going to be my hobby project for this year. I've been trying yearly to take on a moderately difficult and fun modelling project and I think this is the one. I've got 3 fully painted tournament level armies that would only need a small addition here and there at most so I think I'm ok taking a breath and finally getting started on this.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

JotWW Can Suck It! Local RTT Batrep Round 3

And now we’ve come to the no picture batrep which is sad since this was the table that had the best terrain out of all 3 J. This round is a great example of how sometimes unoptimized lists can just have your number.

Round 1 can be found here:

Round 2 can be found here:

Round 3
Deployment: Spearhead

My List:
Prime w/Dual Bone Swords
2 Lictors
3 Hive Guard
3 Hive Guard
15 Genestealers
14 Genestealers
10 Genestealers
19 Hormagants
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
20 Gargoyles w/Adrenal Glands & Toxin Sacs

Opponents List:

Monday, June 6, 2011

A-Kon Army - One of these I'm 99% Bringing

So in March or so of last year I "perfected" my own Space Wolf list. The picture above is from the Friday Night Fights last year at Nova against Bald&Screaming's Danny Internet.

This is it:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dark Eldar Vs. The Universe!

I thought I would foray into a codex vs. codex ranking and compare my thoughts on how Dark Eldar stack up in a game against other Codices. I’ll be using a ranking system of 1-10, where a 1 is a colossal challenge to not get blown away and 10 is a game I expect to win with one hand tied behind my back.

*ponders* Hrm….but then there are some codices that have builds ranging from 1-10. I’ll have to break down some codices by build.

*ponders more* And then I had a realization. I’ve seen people try doing this for various codices before, or ranking codices in competitive order, or assigning tiers to them. And at the end of the day…it is all meaningless. There is no value add in doing so. Codices can’t be compared in a vacuum, or ranked against each other because the definitive factor in a game isn’t the lists at play, it’s the general behind them. And we already have a ranking system for generals – its called RankingsHQ.

Hulksmash is beating people up with Tyranids. I can’t imagine facing a Tyranid army that I wouldn’t almost laugh off the table. I *do* laugh Necrons off the table…and my Necrons are undefeated.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

And the winner of the Blog Naming Contest is...

DomB with "They Shall Know Fear!"

Congratulations! Our lawyers will be in touch shortly to inform you that you've been deprived of your intellectual property rights to the name cuz' we're snatching yo' shit.

Please send an e-mail to so that we can link up with you to give you some free loots!

2k Daemon List - Hit-n-Run Specialists of DOOM!!!!!!

So this is a bit of a random and for fun post. Got a little bored at work and was thinking about how important movement and speed are in 40k. This in turn got me thinking again of an idea I tossed around a few months ago but haven’t gone through with yet due to the sheer amount of conversion work I’d have to do.

Friday, June 3, 2011

JotWW Can Suck It! Local RTT Batrep Round 2!

So I started to forget to take pictures which is always my curse. I have a few of the second game. I have none of my third game but  I'll be combining it along with my thoughts on the RTT as a whole and my armies performance as well. So:

Round 2:
Deployment: Dawn of War

My List:
Prime w/Dual Bone Swords
2 Lictors
3 Hive Guard
3 Hive Guard
15 Genestealers
14 Genestealers
10 Genestealers
19 Hormagants
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
20 Gargoyles w/Adrenal Glands & Toxin Sacs

GT Army: Necrons or Dark Eldar?

Howdy howdy dedicated readers...

With a Grand Tournament next weekend, I have decide whether I'm bringing Necrons or Dark Eldar. Its complicated, so I'll speak my mind, conceited that it may sound or not.

Factor One: Hassle
If I bring Dark Eldar, I have to bring two sets of venoms. Mine, and a "counts as" vyper set, which may or may not include any of the actual venoms if the store 2.5 hours away from me gets any in this weekend, and if I have time to put them together. They'd still be unpainted, and sit in the second array of vehicles which my opponents would have to choose which to face. Every round, my opponent either chooses my 3rd Ed. Raider venoms that are painted and converted, or the non-WYSIWYG vypers/potential venoms that aren't painted.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Your Opinion: DakkaDakka Vs. Warseer

I would estimate that 95% of my online experience with 40k until recently has been on DakkaDakka. My tactical articles, battle reports, questions, threads, discussions - everything.

Since I don't have the ability to GET into Dakka...and using my wife's account would probably get hers banned for circumventing moderation punishment, I created an account on Warseer. I need to be able to upload pictures for battle reports, and a blog isn't always the best place to ask questions or to solicit input from folks.

So...three days after creating an account on Warseer (I'm writing this on Monday, Memorial Day), I find myself quite disappointed with the website. My e-mail to Warseer administration below:

Dashofpepper's Necrons at Little Wars: Round Three

50 point massacre from Game One, and 35 points from Game Two puts me on the second table for game three – not enough to get onto Table #1.

Dashofpepper's Garden of Silence:
HQ: Deceiver
HQ: Necron Lord + Destroyer Body + Phase Shifter + Rez Orb + Warscythe
Troop: 11x Warriors
Troop: 12x Warriors
Fast Attack: 3x Wraiths
Fast Attack: 3x Wraiths
Fast Attack: 3x Wraiths
Heavy Support: Monolith
Heavy Support: Monolith
Heavy Support: Monolith

Mission 3: The Strait and Narrow
Overview: This scenario is simple. Kill everything of your opponent’s army. Leave nothing left alive by game’s end.
Line of Retreat: Units that fall back do so toward their own table edge via the shortest route possible as described by the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg 45)
Game Length: At the end of game turn 5, roll a D6. On a 3+ game turn 6 is played. At the end of game turn 6, roll a D6. On a 5+ game turn 6 is played. At the end of game turn 7, the game ends automatically: Alternatively, the game ends immediately when the tournament organizer declares that time has elapsed. Players should not begin a new turn if there is insufficient time remaining to complete the turn.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Name our Blog contest!

Hey folks!

Hulksmash (his additions in BLUE) and I spent a couple hours the other night talking about the name of the blog. “Hulksmash’s Homeplace” seems to be missing a dash of awesomeness. Obviously the first thing we did was look at the names of other blogs.

Bald and Screaming
Blood of Kittens
House of Paincakes

Short, sweet, easy to remember. We tried thinking of some acronyms. I thought “Dash&Smash” was clever because of the connotation to fleeting and then assaulting. Hulksmash was miffed to have my name first and thought “Smash&Dash” was a better idea because of the connotation of breaking and entering.

JotWW Can Suck It! Local RTT Batrep Round 1!

So this weekend I played in a little 3-round RTT at a local store. Now I've been told by the store owner (the 2008? GW GT Circuit Champion) who's a great dude that his store doesn't have the most hardcore competitive group but that it's a decent group to game with. Well with that being said I decided on Friday night that it might be a good idea to give my no big gribbly army a shot. It's an 1,850 tournament so it's not the full list but this is what I chose to run.

My Army:

Prime w/Dual Bone Swords
2 Lictors
3 Hive Guard
3 Hive Guard
15 Genestealers
14 Genestealers
10 Genestealers
19 Hormagants
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
5 Raveners w/Rending Claws
20 Gargoyles w/Adrenal Glands & Toxin Sacs