Friday, September 2, 2011

Raging Is Cool! (Sisters WD)

So recently I’ve been able to catch up on a bit of reading on Dakka since I’m back on 12 hour days at work. And the one thing I’ve noticed is that it seems to be cool to scream about things lately. This has happened especially since the Sisters of Battle WD codex that came out.

Personally I’ve found that I like the book far more than the last one. I can actually fit things that I want in and feel like I’m covering my bases. I know mine isn’t the popular opinion but I think GW’s current codex release style works well with my brain. They are currently normally completely revamping how armies play each time they release a new codex. With me have the attention span of a ferret on meth I find that I have far less trouble taking each book as a new stand alone. I no longer compare codexes to previous incarnations because it doesn’t do any good. I simply sit down with the newest book and start to put in things that sound good.

That being said here are some of the things I’ve noticed:

-Faith is fairly reliable. You’re talking a 50% chance that is readily upgraded to a 25% chance with an upgrade. Or upgraded to a 33% chance if you’ve taken a casualty or a character joins. Basically they are close to on par with Imperial Guard orders which isn’t to shabby. Don’t rely on them but they’ll be a nice benefit.

-Jacobus w/a coven is going to be just plain nasty. Those little bitches are already bad enough, adding attacks, preferred enemy on the charge, and FnP is just plain disgusting.

-I know quite a few people are going to disagree with me but I’m pretty sure I can fit more models and more tools into the new book that I could the old. There is more CC potential than before and an equal number of special/heavy weapons that can do damage.

-People are going to shit when you put down 90ish 3+ save models, all mounted, that have a slew of special/heavy weapons. That is not an easy amount of models to eliminate.

-Rending Heavy Bolters, when they work will be great. The unit will be a transport killer 33-50% of the time which is pretty solid. I’m seriously looking at Retributors again.

-I think in higher point games a Cannoness that opens up the option for a command squad with 3 MM’s might not be so bad. Relentless is neat and I wish it was a more widely used power.

Overall I think the book actually has the tools to be competitive. Is it the same book? Nope. Will the mix stay the same as previously? Nope. Will it have the speed, numbers, and weapons to win in 5th until the true codex comes out? Very much so. I’ll go into my thoughts on army building with the new “codex” in the next week. But first, what are your opinions? And why?

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I agree with your assessment Hulk, my only problem with the book is the 'no-brainer' HQ's.

Seriously, is there any reason not to take Jacobus/Celestine, in pretty much any build you play? Particularly the latter is seriously underpriced, should have been closer to 200pts.

But the book is pretty solid, I think.
2 replies · active 708 weeks ago
So.... It's out already? :O
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
I like Retributors, but only when the rest of the army is not mechanized. It's better to not mix the two kinds of targets (vehicles and guys), since it makes the one kind of the enemies weapon much less useful.

That being said, SoBs do power armor horde amazing. There's just so many of them.
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
If the sisters take a casualty, the 5+faith turns into a 4+ and rerollable from a similacrum. Id say thats a pretty darn good chance of getting faith to work.
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
There is very, very little you can do with the new list that you can't do with the old, and it lost so many things. Faith is so limited, in acts and effects. Foot Sisters aren't going to work. You are too slow and too weak in melee. Anything that moves 12" or charges 12" will slide straight through your bolter range and murder you.

Remember, when the Rets rend (75% chance of act if you have the points) you get 1 & 1/3 rend. That's it. One damage result.

At least the Dominions and Celestine got unqualified buffs.
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
Guess you can't even convince the haters on your own blog, Hulk.
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
I like and dislike the new codex.

I like the 2 things that I think make sisters way better than the old. 1st was the DCA squads. They really did help the sisters in hand to hand. 2nd was scouting Dominions. Sisters always suffered from not being able to get across the board against certain armies. Now they can outflank or use a scout move to get closer and smoke up.

Dislike that this codex is more mono build than the old one. It really suffers from awesome chioces in HQ, Fast, and Heavy slots. I really hope this is just a bare bones start and the "real" codex will flesh it out more. Heck, give Celestians the transport option of a Storm RAven or a Vendetta and the codex changes big time.

Over all it is playable. My list is still sitting at 70 models, 9 rhino chasis, and 2 exorcists. I gained 2 MM in battle squads, and alot of H2H ability with 2 DCA squads. I'm running Kyrinov for the fearless bubble to offset the low leadership on them. I lost tarpit units, but like you said "do I need them anymore?"

Get ready cause you will see them up there in the cities come this fall. :)
2 replies · active 708 weeks ago
Hmm, "I no longer compare codexes to previous incarnations because it doesn’t do any good."

Well there is some merit to this approach, UNLESS, you have spent hundreds of dollars purchasing and hundreds hours of building, converting and painting an army that is seriously compromised or made obsolete by the new book.

For reasons that others have posted elsewhere I think the WB sisters codex is a terrible disservice to the players and suggest that they continue to use the witch hunter book and ignore the WD codex
2 replies · active 706 weeks ago
What you can field? What you can field is 3 FA(probably Dominions), 3 Exorcists, Uriah, Celestine, a DCA unit, and fill with troops squads. Thank god they moved the DCA over. And what they did do is remove Torches, Books, the gear that made Canonesses worthwhile, I 4, and most of the Eviserators.

Unless something strange happens with you field 9 Engines, or 30 Seraphim, what you are going to see will look like this
Uriah + DCA in Rhino
Dominions x 3 in transport
Exorcist x 3
with your choice of: Celestine + troops, or a Confessor/Kyrinov for another DCA unit.
then fill with Troops.

The Command squad could be decent, but it requires a Canoness, which has little use, and locks out a second DCA unit or Celestine. The command squad Rhino will be a big target and the squad has few bullet catchers too, so I doubt that FNP will save them should they be a threat big enough to worry about. If only they didn't require a Canoness. Engines are too expensive and slow, even with a Rhino wall providing cover, to field in small numbers despite the damage potential should they contact something that can't kill them all before they swing.

DCA beat Repentia and Celestians for most scenarios, as the acts needed to make them work only work on your turn. Sisters tend to have all the anti-horde they need unless they take no flamers at all, which makes Rets less than attractive, and Exorcists simply do better against vehicles. Mounted Rets with heavy flamers are incredibly expensive, and even if you do so you are giving up a critical HS long range slot to do that.

So, what is this list that's oh so cheaper and better now? a 300 point savings strongly implies Seraphim and Repentia, as Immos didn't drop in price and the basic Sisters units didn't drop in net price.

I've seen a lot of updates go by in my years playing. Some were good, some broken, some bad. This is one of the bad ones. Or maybe I should say apathetic? Fearful that something good would get through?
1 reply · active 706 weeks ago
Basic Sisters units dropped about 19pts. Retributor Squads with heavy bolters which I'll be running are 25pts cheaper per 10 and much cheaper in a smaller squad. Dominions in MM Immolators are 14pts cheaper than before. A single 10-man Seraphim squad is about 45pts cheaper. Overall a pretty decent savings.

I don't think the book is a limited as you making it out to be. I don't think all you will see will be lists just like you describe. Retributors and Seraphim will be seen. Repentia aren't half bad if they are stealing the ride of the Retributors to help you keep them under control. There are quite a few options. Did you lose a stat here and there and some gear? Sure. But there were some net gains which people just refuse to recognize. Which is fine but I honestly don't have any sympathy for most Sisters players. Just like I have no sympathy for Nid players that complain :)
Dominions make me go "Aaaah!". They are the very epitome of cheap special weapons deployment. Same BS as marines, with act of faith even making them even better and far cheaper than marines and 3+ save means they won't die to stiff breeze like IG equivalents.

Retributors with Heavy Bolters also look yummy as hell. The "thou shalt take Jacobus and/or Celestine" bothers me a bit, though.
Here's a question. Do you think extra armor is worth 15? It eats up a lot of the point savings from the last book.
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
What does that list look like hulk?

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