Monday, September 26, 2011

Ard Boyz Finals - Tyranids?

Well with the Ard Boyz Finals local I’ll actually be attending. And I’ve been itching lately to pull my bugs back out and go a stomping. This is just a ramped up version of my standard 2k list that I think I’d do pretty well with:


Dual Boneswords, Toxin Sacs

Dual Boneswords, Toxin Sacs


3 Hive Guard-150

3 Hive Guard-150

3 Hive Guard-150


10 Gants-50

10 Gants-50

20 Genestealers-280

20 Genestealers-280

Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands

Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands

Fast Attack

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

Heavy Support

2xDual Dev’s

2xDual Dev’s


So this list obviously follows my normal style of having multiple powerful waves that can keep hitting the enemy and keep him off balance. It’s got a lot of speed and resilience in the form of the infiltrating Genestealers and Raveners. It’s got 3 full units of Hive Guard which are pretty much required at this point level to make sure you have some survivors from shooting and naturally my two mini-fexstars which I’ve come to love.

My greatest concern is a lack of terrain that could just destroy me but that’s the risk you run anytime your run Nids. I think it could be fun since the Finals are just for bragging rights anyway. What do you guys think?