Monday, August 8, 2011

Nova Invitational Tyranids Take #3 - Big Bugs!

Welcome to the big bug rodeo. At 1750 there is a lot of nasty you can build around T6 creatures. This is a tweak on the last list. Enough talk, here we go:


Hive Tyrant-265
Old Adversary, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, 2xTL-Devourer, Armored Shell

Hive Tyrant-265
Old Adversary, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, 2xTL-Devourer, Armored Shell


2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100


13 Termagant-65

13 Termagant-65

Catalyst, Adrenal Gland, Toxin Sac

Catalyst, Adrenal Gland, Toxin Sac

Heavy Support

2xTL-Devourer, Adrenal Glands

2xTL-Devourer, Adrenal Glands

This has 40 T6 wounds. 8 of them are on 2+ save models. It's got 4 sets of 2xTL-Devourers which translates into 48 TL St6 shots per turn that reduce leadership by 1 which is pretty solid. All of them are on heavy duty platforms. The Tervigons and Gants double as CC units when you combine the Tervi's gifts and the Hive Tyrants Old Adversary. And behind that the Carnifexes re-rolling to hit at St10 is pretty huge as a utility unit. This list does have more to fear from Jaws than most of my other lists but it has a ton going for it in every other category. It's probably one that I'm happiest with so far unless I go no big bugs.