My mighty legions of grey plastic marched upon the scene Saturday after I got an email letting me know that the new Necrons would be allowed for the tournament. I managed to have everything built but only the scarabs have a lick of paint on them at this point. Anywho onto the batrep.
Game 1:
Deployment: Ptiched Battle
Objectives: Loot Counters (added up per turn after turn 2 based on certain variables)
My List:
HQ-Overlord w/Warscythe and Phaeron
HQ-5 Crypteks w/5xHarbringers of Destruction and 1xSolar Pulse
HQ-Overlord w/Warscythe and Phaeron
HQ-5 Crypteks w/5xHarbringers of Destruction and 1xSolar Pulse
Troop-10 Immortals w/Tesla Carbines
Troop-10 Immortals w/Tesla Carbines
Troop-10 Warriors
Troop-10 Warriors
Fast Attack-5 Wraiths
Fast Attack-5 Wraiths
Fast Attack-10 Scarabs
Heavy Support-Annihilation Barge
Heavy Support-Annihilation Barge
Heavy Support-Annihilation Barge
His List:
HQ-Rune Priest w/Jaws & Murderous Hurricane
Elite-5 Wolfguard w/Combi-Meltas and Powerfists
Troop-5 Grey Hunters w/Melta in a Razorback
Troop-5 Grey Hunters w/Melta in a LasPlas Razorback
Troop-5 Grey Hunters w/Melta in a LasPlas Razorback
Troop-8 Grey Hunters w/Flamer, MotW, Standard in a Rhino
Troop-9 Grey Hunters w/Melta, MotW, Standard in a Rhino
Fast Attack-3 Landspeeders w/additional Heavy Bolter
Heavy Support-6 Long Fangs w/2 Lascannon, 3 Missile Launchers
Heavy Support-6 Long Fangs w/2 Lascannon, 3 Missile Launchers
Heavy Support-6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
The Table (And only photo of this game, I forgot):
I won the roll to go first and let him deploy. I think you'll find this is overall the best thing to do as a Necron player with two solar pulses. It's almost critical so you can deploy appropriately given how slow your army is. Anyway he chose one side and deployed two his Long Fangs and a troop to my right and then everything else in a block on the the left with his Speeders in reserve. I deployed my Wraiths behind some LoS blocking terrain across from his Fangs and troop choice while deploying my Immortals to walk up and take loot token on the same side. I deploy all my other units to my left across from the majority of his units and out of range of all his Long Fangs on the right.
In this case seizing would work out for me so I rolled to Seize and do. I open fire and dismount his Rune Priest squad by popping a rhino but don't do any other damage on that side. I also move my forces up to be in range on turn two on the right while also jumping my wraiths up for a possible turn 2 assault.
In his turn I don't pop my pulse thinking that with just 2 lascannons and 5 missiles in range my barges should be fine. He manages to explode one and immobolize and remove the gun from the other. That's a mistake I won't make again. He doesn't move his units up closer to mine though so he's not going to be able to capitalize on it.
On turn 2 I move my scarabs and wraiths up into assault range on his disembarked squad. I also move my other wraith unit up to assault his farthest right long fang unit. I manage to knock the lascannons off the two threatening Razorbacks on my left side and I manage to kill a few other long fangs with shooting and break them. When I assault I fail to kill his rune priest with my scarabs but manage to kill everyone in his squad except for a single MotW model. On the right the Wraiths eat the entire Long Fang pack.
On his turn I pop night fight and his landspeeders don't come in. He gets his other 10-man squad out to assault into the combat the Wraiths are already in. He deploys his troop unit on the right to shoot down the Wraiths that just ate the his long fangs. He opens fire and I end up with just 2 Wraiths on the right. He kills and manages to keep down 4 or so Immortals. He charges in and loses the combat on the left. I manage to break his unit and then escort them off the table on the beginning of their next turn.
For my turn three I position to start gaining loot tokens and move to secure all the extra points. My scarabs surround a tank and kill everyone inside while I finish off his wounded long fang unit, a troop choice, and another transport. Honestly at this point it's clean-up for me and he ends up conceding at the top of 4. We end up discussing things he should have done differently which included not reserving his landspeeders and playing more aggressively.
Monday, November 14, 2011
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Necron RTT Batrep: Game One
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Guest · 698 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 698 weeks ago
O.o · 698 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 698 weeks ago
Xaereth · 698 weeks ago
How are you distributing your Crypteks? Some of the internets seems to think you can put a Cryptek from each court into each squad, which currently works with RAW, but will probably just end up getting FAQed into them being more like Wolfguard (i.e. only one court can provide members to a given squad)
Looking forward to Game 2 :)
Hulksmash · 698 weeks ago
I agree that it'll wind up being 1 Court member per squad period. Not one per royal court purchased so that's how I'm playing it to avoid that until the FAQ. I always take the least adventageous possible ruling to ensure I don't get blindsided later.
TheGrog · 697 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 697 weeks ago
TheGrog · 697 weeks ago
MarshalLaeroth 52p · 698 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 698 weeks ago
Khornatedemon · 698 weeks ago
newtoncain · 697 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 697 weeks ago
Guest · 697 weeks ago
Hulksmash · 697 weeks ago