Friday, November 11, 2011

Email: 1,500pt Necron Build Request

So today I got a PM on Dakka from Valek asking how I would scale my army list down to 1,500. I responded by asking which of the two lists posted was he curious about but since I have a bit of time I figured I’d just do both down at the 1,500pt level. So here we go.

Standard – Non-Spyder Wing Army


Overlord – 100

5 Crypteks – 195
5xHeralds of Destruction, 1xSolar Pulse


10 Immortals – 170
Tesla Carbine

10 Immortals – 170
Tesla Carbine

5 Warriors – 65

Fast Attack

5 Wraiths – 175

5 Wraiths – 175

8 Scarabs – 120

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge – 90

Annihilation Barge – 90

3 Canoptek Spyders – 150

This is 1,500 on the nose and I feel has the firepower and speed to death with most lists at this point level. You can also branch out and drop 5 Immortals or a Spyder and 2 Swarms to get a barge for your Lord. I went light on the Solar Pulse and the second overlord/court since I don’t feel you need as much firepower at this level. You could, if you feel like you need less CC drop the second wraith unit and and a spyder to add another lord and 3 more Crypteks to give you a total of 8 if your more shooty inclined. Overall I think it’s a solid framework. The above is what I’d run but I’m a little obsessed with CC. My second inclination would be this:


Overlord – 100

4 Crypteks – 160
4xHeralds of Destruction, 1xSolar Pulse

Overlord – 100

4 Crypteks – 160
4xHeralds of Destruction, 1xSolar Pulse


10 Immortals – 170
Tesla Carbine

10 Immortals – 170
Tesla Carbine

5 Warriors – 65

Fast Attack

5 Wraiths – 175

8 Scarabs – 120

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge – 90

Annihilation Barge – 90

2 Canoptek Spyders – 100

This gives you a little more dominance regarding your shooting at the expense of close combat which is sometimes more other people’s style. Now onto the Spyder Wing at 1,500.

Spyder List


Overlord – 100

4 Crypteks – 160
4xHeralds of Destruction, 1xSolar Pulse

Overlord – 100

4 Crypteks – 160
4xHeralds of Destruction, 1xSolar Pulse


10 Immortals – 170
Tesla Carbine

5 Immortals – 85
Tesla Carbine

5 Immortals – 85
Tesla Carbine

Fast Attack

8 Scarabs – 120

8 Scarabs – 120

Heavy Support

3 Canoptek Spyders – 200
2xTL-Particle Beamer

3 Canoptek Spyders – 150
2xTL-Particle Beamer

As you can see it’s a little lighter on the troops than the previous list. If you wanted to put some back in you could always drop a units of scarabs but I feel 2 units is going to be needed for your ability to threaten the enemy. I’ve added the Particle Beamers to the Spyders so they can support outside of CC as you are going to need every unit contributing in an army like this. Likely the lords will join the Crypteks to take wounds for them. I’d recommend keeping the Crypteks in single units for this instead of spreading them out. At most I’d only put a single Cryptek into the 5 man Immortal squads. This army basically gives you two equal wings of attack and allows for some flexibility. It does lose some of its resilience at this point level but I think it’s more than playable. 1,500pt Venom DE will give it a bit of a problem but you should be able to make it work.

So those are my two lists so far scaled down to 1,500. I’ll have more thoughts on the codex after the tournament tomorrow. I should also have some battle reports up next week as well.

Comments (9)

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Intresting lists, the last one is close to what i have been thinkering with, but with barges, 80 is ofcourse a lot of points, think the sink i was using was adding a monolith, although i keep being a fan, av14 str 8 template throwing things with teleporting capabilities...
Do you think the spider wings will be the strong build? Been seeing a ton of people talking about them, but I just don't fear it. After seeing part one of Reesius's bat rep with BA, I'm thinking regular SM are even better off than I thought.

IDK, I'm thinking you handle that build the same as tervigons and babies. Assault both and kill the babies, let the fearless saves kill the spiders. I'm also thinking the redeemer will be good vs this build.

I'm more worried about what we have not seen yet.
1 reply · active 698 weeks ago
People actually let you multi-assault Tervigons and gants? First off I don't think it would happen as the Scarabs are beasts and will be way in front of the Spyders before they can be multi-assaulted.

As far as not fearing it 27 T6 3+ save wounds is pretty tough. I worry about it in numbers, especially if they support a large number of swarms too.
I really want to play my SoB vs them.... Love me some DCA!
If DCA get through the shooting then the Necron player is doing it wrong though buddy :)
Been looking at the build at made a own intrepretation fo the list

Necron lord, Warscythe, Barge
harbringer of destruction, pulse
harbringer of destruction
harbringer of destruction

Necron lord, Warscythe, Barge
harbringer of destruction, pulse
harbringer of destruction
harbringer of destruction

C'tan, Writhling Worldspace, Lord of Fire

7 Warriors, (2 harbringers join, one pulse)
7 Warriors, (2 harbringers join, one pulse)
7 Warriors, (2 harbringers join)

8 Scarabs
8 Scarabs

2 Tombspyders
2 Tombspyders

This list is all about infuriating your opponent, two turns of night fight, all terrain dangerous, and all fire base weapons become dangerours within 12 of the C'tan.

It got solid cc harrasments or combocharges in form of scarabs, barges, ctan, spyders, high toughness with multi wounds, 3 scouring units eacht toting 2 S8 ap 2 shots.

Antitank should be no issue at all divided between shooting, scarabs, warscythes and 5 monstrous creatures.

The Barges can also try to purge those fists out of squads treathening your c'tan.
writhing worldscape doesnt make all terrain dangerous, unless you meant to say all difficult terrain?
yeah idd typo
I am going to try out a different 1500 list myself.

Overlord w/Phareon, Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs
Cryptek x1 w/HoT, Seismic Crucible
Cryptek x3 w/HoD, Solar Pulse
Lord x1 w/Gauntlet of Fire, Res Orb., Mindshackle Scarabs

Overlord w/Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs
Cryptek x1 w/HoT, Seismic Crucible
Cryptek x3 w/HoD, Solar Pulse
Lord x1 w/Gauntlet of Fire, Res Orb., Mindshackle Scarabs

Immortals x10 w/Tesla Carbines
Immortals x10 w/Gauss

C'tan Shard w/Writhing Worldscape, Lord of Fire

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

I think it gives me a good spread of Anti tank for the point level and allows me to really dictate the flow of battle with the Tremor staves combined with the C'tan. Solar Pulses help keep the army from being shot off the board until they can gain fire supremecy. I want to try the Gauss blasters with the Phaeron and see how they perform versus the Tesla

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