Now I have a soft spot in my heart for Daemons. I've never loved nor loathed an army so much at a tournament. You can see pictures of my Admech counts-as army in the army picture tab and I really am proud of how those turned out. I ran it at 2 GT events and at both events had that dreaded drift game where everything went wrong and my urge to kill rose. My Daemons actually accounted well for themselves but I admit I got a little frustrated with the lack of consistancy. But I've had my fill of consistancy it seems since I'm seriously considering Daemons for at least Adepticon if not the local GT in May as well and maybe more.
So that brought me to my main issue. Do I add models to my existing converted army or do I rebuild it from scratch? Well I've wracked my brain and come up with several fun themes for a rebuild like:
-40k Beastmen
-Iron Warrior/Dark Adeptus Alliance
-World Eater Legion Warband