
Sunday, January 16, 2011

1,850 Deathwing w/RW Support!! (My first army is back!)

Ok, so most of you probably don’t remember but way back in the dark days of 2nd edition GW released an “army box” of Ravenwing. This was basically what the plastic battleforce is now but it was an entire army back in 2nd edition. It even came with a metal Tornado (or ravenwing landspeeder as it was back then).

Fast forward to third edition and you’ll get to see the very first army I even fully painted. Multi-wing Dark Angels! Terminators, Bikers, Speeders, and regular Joes. I was really, really proud of this back in the day but with new plastic terminators and the wheel turning and DA’s becoming less and less effective my interest waned. I still loved the look of the models. And any of you that have seen my DIY chapter can tell I love the Iconography of the DA’s and the robed monastic look. So when the new FAQ came out it wasn’t even a question. I’m back on board! Now they will still match my normal DIY so they’ll be white and blue instead of bone and red but I’m like a little kid again. So much so that my Adepticon all foot IG might just be limited to Team Tournament and my DA army of smiting goodness may be my “Championship” army.

So without further ado, the first of my 1,850 Adepticon Lists and why!


Thunderhammer and Storm Shield


Venerable Dreadnought-150
Heavy Flamer, Still deciding on TL-Autocannon, Assault Cannon, or Multi-Melta

Venerable Dreadnought-150
Heavy Flamer, Still deciding on TL-Autocannon, Assault Cannon, or Multi-Melta


Deathwing Command Squad-255
Apothecary, 5xTH/SS, Cyclone

Deathwing Squad-235
1xLC, 4xTH/SS, Cyclone

Deathwing Squad-235
1xLC, 4xTH/SS, Cyclone

Deathwing Squad-235
1xLC, 4xTH/SS, Cyclone

Deathwing Squad-235
1xLC, 4xTH/SS, Cyclone

Fast Attack




1,850 on the nose. So it’s a pretty standard list with the difference that I’ve enlisted the aid of two of the chapters ancients. Why? Because I do fear hordes of orks, swarms of small nid creatures, and blobs of IG. These units in cover are very, very resilient and add a little ranged anti-tank but they are there to fill in a spot missing in this list which can be exploited by outlier lists. The rest of the list is pretty bog standard w/16 missile launcher shots a turn and some amazingly resilient troop choices. One squad can be your big hitter or be the anchor for your army as it moves up and holds the center of the table. You can even start just 2 units on the table and have 2 deepstrike deploy on turn one with the last moving on later. Leaving you short 2 missiles early but giving you a bit of mobility that might not exist otherwise.

So any just where I’m starting out. Open to thoughts but man, am I excited about this!


  1. Looks cool man. I'm interested to see how all these 'new' DA armies are going to do- any chance you're going to do battle reports on here with this army? :)

  2. I'm waiting on some Cyclones and I'm going to try this out. I'll probably run it at a local event or two. And I'll put up some bat reps of pick up games once I get it done. There is a slight tweak I'm already considering but wanna play it first to see how it does.

  3. I hope you bring this to Adepticon.

