
Monday, December 27, 2010

Adpeticon Daemon List: A Twist!

So I'm ordering my real daemon army this week for Adepticon Team tourney and probably for other events since I can't seem to shake playing my daemons. Stupid fun and challenging army....

So here is a Daemon list I was considering running. I think it’s got what it takes to make a mess of the current meta-game. And I'll explain why at the end of this.


Tzeentch Herald on Chariot-100
Bolt, Master of Sorcery

Tzeentch Herald on Chariot-100
Bolt, Master of Sorcery

Tzeentch Herald on Chariot-100
Bolt, Master of Sorcery

Tzeentch Herald on Chariot-100
Bolt, Master of Sorcery


5 Bloodcrushers-240
Icon, Musician, Rending

5 Bloodcrushers-240
Icon, Musician, Rending

6 Fiends-180


5 Plague Bearers-75

5 Plague Bearers-75

5 Bloodletters-80

Fast Attack

8 Hounds-120

8 Hounds-120

Heavy Support

Daemon Prince-160
MoS, Musk, Unholy Might, Pavane

Daemon Prince-160
MoS, Musk, Unholy Might, Pavane

So this list is 1,850. It has 14 units of which 3 are calvary, 4 are jetbikes, 3 units have hit-and-run, and there is some pavane goodness running around. The main difference between this and my normal lists is that I changed the DP's to hit-n-run Slaanesh DP's that use the Pavane to keep walkers away from the BC's or to drag units onto this slower unit. Also have hit and run to push hard and fast into an enemy deployment zone. I think this list has the flexibility to work well but I do worry about the Bloodletters as troops. Seemed like a good idea but if I drop a single hound I can turn them into Horrors and get another bolt on the field and some extra shots. Anyway, Thoughts?


  1. I like it. You have your big bricks but don't skimp on the zippy cav and AT.

  2. Hrmm. First visit, shockingly. o.O

    Anyway, I would consider dropping one Crusher per unit to get another Troops in their place?

    Having 5 Troops in Daemons would be almost unprecedented, and potentially very nice, especially if you upgraded both to Horrors.

  3. i will have to play test this list, i like the Slaneesh DP idea. Will 3 5-man troop choices be durable enough?

  4. after thought and silly question, why not add aura of acquiescence (offensive & defensive grenades) you could drop one hound and give both dp's that little extra.

  5. i was having a hard time with speed.

  6. If I were up against this list I'd focus on killing the three small troops first. I think most if not all of the missions for the championship features taking objectives.

    How do you think this list will fare against mech guard and SW?

