
Monday, February 7, 2011

Tyranids for Adepticon?

So I've been thinking of some variations of the Nids I like that I might be able to play at 1,850. I truly hate 1,850 for Nids cause I can't seem to get what I want out of it but I've got a few new ideas. Here are two of the lists I'm considering. They both are a little different from what I normally run but I think they've got the depth to make it work.

List #1

Toxin Sacs, Dual Boneswords

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

20 Genestealers-280

10 Gaunts-50

10 Gaunts-50

Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst

Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst

Fast Attack
20 Gargoyles-160
Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

Heavy Support
Crushing Claws, MC Devourers

List #2

Toxin Sacs, Dual Boneswords

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

19 Genestealers-266

10 Gaunts-50

10 Gaunts-50

Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst

Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst

Fast Attack
5 Raveners-175
Rending Claws

5 Raveners-175
Rending Claws

5 Raveners-175
Rending Claws

Heavy Support
Rupture Cannon, Larvae, Spines

So you'll notice a minor departure from my normal lists. No Trygons. I've been debating with myself lately if Raveners, for the same amount of points, are better than Trygons. I haven't fully tested it yet but I get the feeling that in 5th edition they just might be. Trygons almost never get cover, are only fleet and not beasts, and can potentially only kill 7 enemies in a single assault phase. Raveners, while losing combat ability with every "missile" have more survivability and more potential killing power. So hence my reasoning on using them for a little bit.

Well for the first list you've got more of my standard list style just mainly swapping out the Trygons for Raveners. I've also created a mini fex-star which adds a bit of resilience and some major hitting power against things like Nobz. Lots of bonus st6 shots for putting down wounds and shutting down light vehicles. Lots of fast moving threats. I like it but I'm not sold on it.

The second list has a bit more suppressive fire but at the expense of the Nob killiness. I like the speed and the multiple threat access from the list but I think I like it more at 2k.

So thoughts?


  1. List #1 - I would swap the crushing claws for more brainleech Devourers and use the extra ten points for regeneration on the Prime. The extra shots against Raiders & Rhinos seems more useful than a couple of attacks. Are the Gargoyles just mobile cover? If so they do not need upgrades.

    List #2 - You could play test 3x2 Hivers & 2x6 Raveners and the last five points gives the Prime a gun? The extra 6" charge should help get Raveners into combat. I look forward to seeing how it compares.

    Have you seen the thoughts on using Beetles for the T-fex since the Rending counters FNP?

  2. I love Raveners and the only thing that's really stopping me fromrunning them at Centurion is not enough models. Event Horizon however...

    I like your 2nd list the most but I'd rather see the Genestealers become another T-Fex or more Hive Guard IMO. They give you some great disruption in being able to outflank but I think the extra firepower brought by the listed units would better suit your force.

    You could always drop the Genes. Grab 2 more HG and with the extra points + the points from dropping the T-Fex, go for 2x Dakkafexes and play Fexstar games with your Prime... but then serious range issues.

  3. This is a bit of a tangent, but how would you take this ravener for trygon swap concept to 2k?

  4. I do love that second list big time. I'd drop the third group of Ravs maybe bump the other to to 6 and turn that prime into a Tervigon for 3 FNP gives for the stealers, and 2 ravener units. Of course at 1850 I struggle a bit too liking very much to have 2 Tfexen as an alternate method of disrupting fangs / vehicles etc..

  5. Thanks for the post!

    I am fascinated by the second list; can you share your strategy for dealing with heavy (i.e. tanks, not transports) armor?
    Ignore the raiders? Just the T-fex?

    thanks again for the post!!!
