
Friday, March 16, 2012

Adepticon Daemons - Thoughts.....

I've been wracking my brain since I got back from the Indy Open about what my next project is going to be. So far this year I built and painted a GK army that has gone 10-1 over 2 GT's and now it's time to change up a bit. As most of you know I'm easily distracted and lately Daemons have been on my mind.

Now I have a soft spot in my heart for Daemons. I've never loved nor loathed an army so much at a tournament. You can see pictures of my Admech counts-as army in the army picture tab and I really am proud of how those turned out. I ran it at 2 GT events and at both events had that dreaded drift game where everything went wrong and my urge to kill rose. My Daemons actually accounted well for themselves but I admit I got a little frustrated with the lack of consistancy. But I've had my fill of consistancy it seems since I'm seriously considering Daemons for at least Adepticon if not the local GT in May as well and maybe more.

So that brought me to my main issue. Do I add models to my existing converted army or do I rebuild it from scratch? Well I've wracked my brain and come up with several fun themes for a rebuild like:

-40k Beastmen
-Iron Warrior/Dark Adeptus Alliance
-World Eater Legion Warband

And while I like all of them, and as much as some people simply hate it, I'm still in love with my Admech army. Which left me with how to add models to my list? Let's take a quick look at my starting point for 1,850:

Herald of Tzeentch - 100
Chariot, Bolt, Master of Sorcery

Herald of Tzeentch - 100
Chariot, Bolt, Master of Sorcery

Herald of Khorne - 135
Juggernaut, Blessing (Collar), and Icon

Herald of Khorne - 135
Juggernaut, Blessing (Collar), and Icon

6 Fiends of Slaanesh - 180

6 Fiends of Slaanesh - 180

7 Bloodcrushers - 295
Musician, Rending

5 Horrors of Tzeentch - 95

5 Horrors of Tzeentch - 95

5 Horrors of Tzeentch - 95

5 Horrors of Tzeentch - 95

5 Plaguebearers - 75

9 Flesh Hounds - 135

9 Flesh Hounds - 135

So which units would I have to add? Well Flesh Hounds and Heralds of Khorne on Juggers. I've been thinking for the last week about various ideas on the hounds especially since my favorite rebuild idea was my Iron Warrior one and I just couldn't figure out a model to represent hounds in a mechanical based list.....

Well I think I've finally figured out a way and it determined the build it brand new vs. add new models question as well. Here is a photo of the models I was using as fiends:

Basically combat servitors that were pretty low to the ground but gave off good reason for the rending, numerous attacks, and speed. Well what about turning these into my hounds? I mean all the same reasons exist for them as fiends but probably better as hounds (profile size, lack of relatively similar silohette(sp?)). So by building another 8 of these (I've already ordered the parts) I've got my two units of hounds. So what about the Fiends?

Well I'm taking a page from my Necron wraiths seen here:

Sorry for the small picture but this way you can get the idea. I'll take the tail like structure and build off of it to create Fiends that will more reflect the height and silohuete of the current models. I think it'll work out quite well.

Which leaves me with my final unit type I have to add. The Herald of Khorne on a Juggernaught. Now these are my current counts-as bloodcrushers:

Basically heavy combat servitors. Same approximate height on proper bases with enough strength to give the impression that even chain weapons would punch through armor. But this leads me to how to make a Herald that stands out while adhereing to the modeling choice already in my army (as specific units need to be consistant in a counts-as army). Well with that criteria building a similar model to my DP's was out so I started search through ebay for Ogre bitz and found bodies for the new calvary that have the legs removed. This was something I could work with so I've ordered 4 bodies (need some for a test run) and I'm thinking of replacing their legs with cut down sentinel legs with the leg joints built into the leg space on the torso. This will allow me to put the engine directly into their back and build suitably impressive weapons for their arms. So it'll still look like the current bloodcrushers but will obviously standout above them as a command model.

So what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? Do you like the model concepts? I'd like to hear from you guys.

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