
Friday, August 12, 2011

List Help: Ard Boyz Dark Eldar

Hey Dash/Hulk/or anyone else...
I kinda have the same problem with Dash here has DE doesn't scale really well at 2.5k level while maintaining some coherency and redundancy. But I will say this… I’m going to build Vect with is ride as this is really the only point level I think Vect would work. Let me know what you think:
The Love Bird List (2500pt)
HQ: Vect + Dias of Destruction
HQ: Lady Malys

Troop: 5x Warriors with Blaster in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons
Troop: 5x Warriors with Blaster in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons
Troop: 5x Warriors with Blaster in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons
Troop: 9x Wyches + a Hekatrix, Agonizer, Haywire Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler, in a Raider with a Flickerfield, Shock Prow, and Grisly Trophies
Troop: 7x Wyches + a Hekatrix Agonizer, Haywire Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler (to go with Vect & Malys in Dias of Destruction)

Elite: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons
Elite: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons
Elite: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons

Fast: 3x Reaver Jetbikes with 1x Blaster
Fast: 3x Reaver Jetbikes with 1x Blaster
Fast: 3x Reaver Jetbikes with 1x Heat Lance

Heavy: Ravager with triple Dark Lances, Flickerfield, Nightshields, Shock Prow
Heavy: Ravager with triple Dark Lances, Flickerfield, Nightshields, Shock Prow
Heavy: Ravager with triple Dark Lances, Flickerfield, Nightshields, Shock Prow

The Idea is to deliver Vect’s unit asap to the enemy (Dias + Malys’ immunity to psyhics helps with unit’s resiliency). Reavers take the harassment roll and can pop high-valued targets (like GreenBaron Deffkoptas) Vect also can help with sieze init (but that’s NOT the reason I have him)… Vect is simply a DE model I want in this list, even if it’s not the most efficient use of his points. But pound-per-pound, he’s almost as powerful as Ghazzy (Ghazzy being 1a, and Vect 1b).

Also Malys' abiility to re-deploy D3 units (even into reserve!) is an intriguing tactic...

I have to ask if you have read the missions?
I'm probably going to be a bit meaner than I was with Dash and that's because in all honesty Dash is probably going to roll anyone he runs into tomorrow just based on ability. He can probably take a horribly unoptimized list (like he is) and do ok with it since it's the first round. But since I don't know you personally or your skill level I'm going to go ahead, be a bit brutal, and break down the list.
Malys & Vect combo, while cute, is kinda pointless. I'd avoid her and add some friendly Haemons for FnP tokens.

Also insisting on taking the Dias is seriously going to impact what you can take. Looking at the list it has little to no resilience. Like I mentioned in the other comments Ard Boyz is about out lasting your opponent. Your list is bleeding kill points and easily gained victory points. For Ard Boyz you either need to be able to take 31 Missile Launcher shots per turn or be able to blow 6-7 squads off the table on turn one. Your list can do neither. You need to be able to handle 180 enemy models through CC or shooting. Again, your list comes up short.

Basically it comes down to what you have model wise for Ard Boyz. But I'd invest in 2-3 full Beast Master units that run ya about 270 (10 Kymerae & 6 Razorwings). I'd invest for sure and certain in some more combat oriented units and scale down on the transport spam. Personally I'd adjust to allow for using a Webway portal. I'd probably switch at this point level from Ravagers to Taloi as well. Ravagers go down way, way to easy at 2.5k. If you use the webways even moderately well they are tough units that can over the game produce far more than a Ravager.

Overall I think you list lacks the punch or resiliency to carry the day. It feels randomly thrown together without thought on interacting units, the missions you'll be playing, or understanding of how builds differ at 2,500.

Give me a list of models in this and I can probably put something more solid together for you but for now I'd say take a different army if this is all you have available for Dark Eldar.

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