
Monday, August 1, 2011

Damn You Yermom! 2k Nids for Nova

First off, sorry! Work has been crazy and I've barely had time to type a thing. Hopefully I'm a little more consistant again.

So that bastard Nick (Yermom) put up a post the other day on Nids and the possibility of bringing them to Nova. You can find it here:

Anyway this made me start thinking. I'm playing in what is likely to be a very intense and draining ( in a good way) tournament on Friday with the Nova Invitational. So my initial reaction was just to bring my trusted Space Wolves for the big 2-day event as they are so on auto-pilot that I actually have more time to think about things that come out of left field with them and otherwise they'll require much, much less thinking than some of the lists I've been toying with. Enter Nick. I've officially offered to bring my Nids if he does. Why? Because it'll be a grand time. Last year Nick and I both played daemons and finished 3-1 on day one but his massacres got him into day two where my squeeks weren't enough. It'd be interesting to see if we could do better with Nids.

Anywho, on to the army list!


Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst


2 Hiveguard-100

2 Hiveguard-100

2 Hiveguard-100


10 Gaunts-50

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

15 Genestealers-210

15 Genestealers-210

15 Genestealers-210

15 Genestealers-210

Fast Attack

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

This list is a little different. For starters I'm taking a Tervigon as an HQ which is totally different for me. This is mostly because I've been on a Genestealer kick lately and 60 Stealers is enough to give most people pause. I've got the standard screen but I've also added in some Raveners. Raveners have a special place in my heart since I pick up 12 of them and actually got them built. They are fast and hit like a truck. Generally flattening most 5-10 man squads in a 1-2 rounds of combat. Add in 6 Hive Guard per standard and I think I've got a list that would be hella fun to play and that would be a challenge for most players.

Feel free to critique or throw out ideas :)

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