
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2k Tyranids for A-Kon

So it turns out I'm going to be working mandatory 72 hours a week so my painting time has been severely curtailed. Which means I’m down to taking 1 of 2 armies. I’m not going to be running my Space Wolves because I find them almost boring to play at this point. This leaves me finishing up 15ish models for my DoA Blood Angels army or painting up some Raveners for my Tyranids.

I still think Nids are competitive. I took them to Adepticon and while I only finished 21st of 240ish people in Battle I didn’t actually lose a game with them. And hopefully GK’s thin the field of TWC even more which is one of the only units in the game that wrecks Nid face. Plus I just haven’t been happy with most of my MEQ armies lately so Bugs it may be J

Here is my 2k rough draft list for my bugs. It’s pretty much an add on to my Adepticon 1,850 army found here:

My 2k Nids (Draft 1):


Dual Boneswords, Toxin Sacs

Dual Boneswords, Toxin Sacs


2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100


10 Termagants-50

10 Termagants-50

Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands

Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands

15 Genestealers-210

15 Genestealers-210

Fast Attack

6 Raveners-210
Rending Claws

Heavy Support

2xTwin-Linked Devourers

2xTwin-Linked Devourers

So this is the first list I’m considering. I’ve dropped 4 Genestealers from the previous list and added in 6 Raveners. My only true worry is with the new GK’s those St8 Autocannons will make my Raveners cry but it’s a risk I’m willing to take for the extra speed. This is just the first look tweak but feel free to hit me with your thoughts.

As a side note I think I’m going to be working on a list later today that isn’t as vulnerable to Jaws but that’s going to take a little bit more work J


  1. The raveners seem out of place to me. Are you going to attach the primes to hive guard?

    Might be worth it to throw in a trygon to draw some fire and take out the raveners.

  2. Cant wait to see how it goes. Every time I attempt to go to a power armor army I get pulled back to the Nids. Just plain fun. I will also freely admit having a lot of success with tips I picked up here.

  3. @Muggins

    Raveners are a nice speedy unit that can be used for disruption. Not sure on just one but that's the reason it's a 6 man unit. The Prime goes w/the carnies to give them cover saves and make a nice counter attack unit. Trygons are far to hard to get cover with unless you know an event is gonna have good terrain so they normally get stuck at home.


    Glad I'm making an impact. Always good to hear. I do so love my Xenos. I've got marines but my Nids/Daemons always seem like more fun to play :)

  4. I have some questions:
    1. Are TS & AG on Tervigons do any difference to bare tervigon with catalyst?
    2. AFAIK, 2 Primes with identical upgrades count as similar models for wound allocation from shooting. Don't they?
    3. Are Carni+Prime really better then DakkaTyrant+guard with bonesword?

  5. @Erle

    1) They boost my tiny gribblies which helps in the grand scheme of things

    2) You are correct but since they each go with an individual carnifex it's not really relevant.

    3) I think so. A Dakka Tyrant/Guard w/BS costs around 15-25pts more than the prime/fex. The fex star is support that can, by itself, put a dent into TWC, Nobz, and other such units. The Tyrant/Guard does this far less well.

  6. Let’s count:
    DakkaTyrant (200)+Guard w/bonesword (75) = 275
    Dakkafex (190)+Prime w/TS & BS (100)=290

    Carni has S9 wich is great against LR and the like, but not a difference for T4 and a little of difference for T5.
    Tyrant has I5 that is a difference in comparison to I1 (3 on charge). Especially against JoTWW!!! You mentioned that problem.
    Guard is not so juicy as TPrime, but has T6 and great shieldwall rule to deny instakill our tyrant.
    I’d like to add that giving Tyrant “armoured shell” makes him much more survivable to shooting and non power CC enemies.

    For TWC reasons “Paroxism” is a steal. Hard to get in range, but makes TWC cry:)

  7. Pssh...everyone knows that Tyranids are teh suckage! =D

    Definitely looking forward to seeing you in the flesh again Hulk. Well, not in the "flesh" because I expect you to be fully clothed. Well, except in the hotel. But not in front of me. Well, I'm sure that I'll see your face and arm flesh. Ok, definitely looking forward to seeing you in person again Hulk! =D

  8. I was curious as to whether or not you've reconsidered heavy venom cannons at all in light of more Dark Eldar players entering the scene? If not, how do you deal with them (DE) keeping out of range whilst hammering your Hive Guard with poison?

    Just wondering...
