
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Adepticon List-Daemons!

While I doubt I'll run Daemons for Adepticon (Randomness over 4-8 rounds isn't good) I threw this list together tonight because I thought it would be fun. It's a combination of some of the things I've seen from Yermom and my normal style of list.


Unholy Might

Herald of Tzeentch-100
Bolt, Chariot, Master of Sorcery

Herald of Tzeentch-100
Bolt, Chariot, Master of Sorcery


5 Bloodcrushers-240
Musician, Icon, Rending

5 Bloodcrushers-240
Musician, Icon, Rending

6 Fiends-180


5 Horrors-95

5 Horrors-95

7 Plague Bearers-105

7 Plague Bearers-105

Heavy Support

Daemon Prince-160
Tzeentch, Bolt, Gaze

Daemon Prince-160
Tzeentch, Bolt, Gaze

So it's a pretty standard Daemon list. I added the Bloodthirster because he's just a beast and a model that instant kills nobz, flies, and can crush LR's is something I found myself needing on occassion. The troops section is pretty normal except I like me my Horrors w/Bolt since it means they're a threat to vehicles and troops. Plague Bearers naturally excel at staying alive. The Elites slot I gave up one of my Fiend squads for another Crusher unit. I've found I need the survivability that Crushers have vs. Fiends. Full wound allocation of course but I'll drop them in seperate waves to make sure I have a banner on the table every turn (this matters when deepstriking Crushers). The DP's are my favorite type. I'm not sold on Soul Grinders and at this level I like the DP's a bit more. So thoughts?


  1. Looks like pretty much teh standard fare for daemons. Should do okay. maybe another icon ?


  2. It's always hard for me to say; I have my own tricks and tactics, so that's all I end up seeing!

    I think it's got all the tools. I've never had much luck with the Bloodthirster, but you've got the Crushers to draw fire away from him.

    I'm interested: write it up if you get a game!

  3. Looks like Yermom took Best General at Mechanicon with daemons. It'll be very interesting to see some battle reports from that...
