
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adepticon - Dark Eldar List #2




3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 SC’s

3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 SC’s

3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 SC’s


10 Hellions-185

5 Warriors-125
Blaster, Venom w/2 SC’s

5 Warriors-125
Blaster, Venom w/2 SC’s

5 Warriors-125
Blaster, Venom w/2 SC’s

5 Warriors-125
Blaster, Venom w/2 SC’s

Fast Attack

3 Beast Masters-156
5xKymerae, 4xFlockwings

3 Beast Masters-144
4xKymerae, 4xFlockwings

Heavy Support




So this is a scaled down version of my hybrid list. It carries a mean 22 dark matter weapons as well as 3 potent mix it up units. The Baron starts with the Hellions which screen the beasts. That’s your hammer which while not amazing is pretty solid. It has the speed and the numbers to compete I think against any list out there. I’d even be willing to go second against guard/sw’s with this list as a reserve style list. So what do you guys think?


  1. This is pretty sweet. I like it a lot. Too bad there aint any venom models from GW yet. The only critique I would have is drop the agonizer on the hellions, just give him a powerweapon instead. 20 for the agonizer is ridiculous when it's basically just a powerweapon in the hands of a hellion. Other than that this looks like a solid list. I might use this as a basis for my army...with more reavers of course (they just look way too cool).

  2. The 20pts for the agoniser is so that the 4 attack model can wound on 4's. Remember the st4 on the hellion comes from the hellglaive, not the board like the baron's bonus. As for the venom's I'll be using slightly modified Vypers w/chains on them for the small squads to hang on to :)

    Glad you guys like this. Oh, and if you want to use reavers a 6-man unit w/2 heat lances swaps perfectly out for the 156pt beast squad.

  3. I like this list. The Warriors in Venoms with double splinter cannons and blasters can mulch infantry and pop armor. There is good balance overall in the list with the Hellions and beasts. I would swap out one squad of beasts for the 6 Reavers with two heat lances. I'd keep the agonizer on the squad leader in the Hellions as always wounding on 4+ at I6 is important and could win combats. I think this army could work well with a WWP depending on what your up against. You don't have to solely rely upon the portal anymore so I'm thinking it's a good addition for lots of dark eldar armies. It's not a must have but I think it's nice enough to consider. This is a solid list in my opinion.

