
Monday, November 8, 2010

Adepticon-Dark Eldar List #1

So I'm excited because my stuff finally came in back home and my wife is gonna send it out tomorrow so I'll have some new pretty models to build while I'm stuck out here. This got me thinking about running them at Adepticon in a few months. So here is something I've come up with that doesn't include the Baron.




3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons

3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons

3 Trueborn-146
3xBlasters, Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons


10 Wyches-210
Succubus, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Raider

10 Wyches-210
Succubus, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Raider

9 Wracks-190
Acolyte, Agoniser, Liquifier, Raider

5 Wracks-115
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons

Fast Attack

3 Beast Masters-156
4 Flockwings, 5 Kymera

3 Beast Masters-156
4 Flockwings, 5 Kymera

Heavy Support




So this list feels a little light on the troops but I think it can pull it off. It's got the anti-tank that's needed, great anti-infantry, and a solid CC punch. Got all but my Hellions in it and I like it. Thoughts?


  1. Would you be better off putting the haemo with a unit of wyches instead of wracks?

    I think in general that 9-strong unit of wracks bothers me. What did you have in mind for it? Using it as an assault unit?

    By my math it's 1840 points, so you could stick a liquifier on your haemo or pick up a wych weapon or something.

    Otherwise, I like it. It's pretty close to the list I came up with but I've got warriors in the troops. Also, my BM units only have 2 actual masters in them instead of 3. This was mostly so I could make them out of one box of Hellions instead of needing two.

    If it were mine, I'd tweak it like this:

    Haemo+Liquifier - 60

    3TB+3B + Venom+SC - 136
    3TB+3B + Venom+SC - 136
    3TB+3B + Venom+SC - 136

    10Wyches+Fixins - 210
    9Wyches+Fixins - 200
    5Wracks+Liquifier + Venom+SC - 125
    5Wracks+Liquifier + Venom+SC - 125
    5Wracks+Liquifier + Venom+SC - 125

    2BM+4Flocks+5Khymera - 144
    2BM+4Flocks+5Khymera - 144

    Ravager - 105
    Ravager - 105
    Ravager - 105

    Total: 1856

    It's a little bit over, so you'd have to find 6 points somewhere. Drop a liquifier, or a Khymera, whatever. I realize it gets rid of a fairly hefty CC unit in the FC Wracks and the only thing it really gains is another couple of Splinter Cannons, but it's just how I would do it. Yours looks good too, I just wouldn't be comfortable with only having 1 troop unit that I'm not rushing into assault.

  2. @ Zheilt - Your BM units are illegal. Each BM can bring 2 flocks or 5 Kymera. To have 4 flocks and 5 Kymera you need 3 BM's.

  3. I am in love with Wyche cults. Bloodbrides are teh bomb!


  4. I like the list. I think it would play out a lot stronger than it looks on paper. TB's will be moving up with Wyches, beasts not far behind, ravagers as a fire base and Wracks for locking down back field objectives and protecting ravagers.

    I like the shardnet/impalers a lot for wyches though, so nice for removing attacks from Hammernators or MC's. Would be neat if you could work them in.

  5. Crap, I'll have to go reread their entry. I thought it was up to 2 flocks and 5 khymera each, not either or. Thanks for catching that.
