
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tyranids-Speed is Good!

Here is one of the lists I've been saving up for when my Tyranid series was completed but I just couldn't wait. This army is fast, durable, and puts the pressure on early. It incorporates some ideas I stole from Janthkin on Dakkadakka in my tactica thread there. So on to the list!

Parasite of Mortrex-160

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

10 Gants-100

10 Gants-100

Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

18 Genestealers-252

18 Genestealers-252

-Fast Attack-
18 Gargoyles-144
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

-Heavy Support-



How does this army work? Well the Genestealers will deploy via Infiltrate and but with a single model within 12" of Tervigons which will FnP them early for their rush at the enemy line. The Hive Guard can actually be deployed on the line because if you deploy the genestealers properly they'll have a 4+ cover save like normal but they can be in range turn 1 if the enemy also deployed on the line. The Trygons start on the table like normal unless the opponent goes full reserve. The Parasite joins the Gargoyles and moves up fast to support the genestealers while the Dev-gants pour shots into anybody who falls out of a transport from the Hive Guard. It's a fast, high pressure army that puts the enemy on its back foot from the first turn and can cause your opponent to make mistakes.



  1. With that many genestealers, I think I would get a broodlord in there. The ability to eat a couple of wounds without losing attacks, as well as the chance to paralyze a nasty model is too good to pass up.

    I'm a little worried that the stealers are going to be awfully vulnerable for that first turn, possibly two. With broods that large you won't be able to get them out of LOS (at least not on the tables I play on), which means 18". Which means no first turn assault unless your opponent comes towards you for some reason, which means eating at least one and possibly two rounds of shooting on the way in.

  2. At 10 strong, I think those Devo-gaunt squads are just too fragile. I know they can do some damage, but I think they work better in units of around 20 much better.

    Perhaps drop the devourers and use the points to add two more Hive Guard?

    Looks solid otherwise.

    Parasite is underrated!

  3. @Ben

    Basically it goes down 2 ways. If they go first I eat shooting with a 4+ cover save one turn and then 4+ cover/FnP the second round. If I got first it's one round of 4+ cover/FnP. That's assuming a moderate amount of terrain on the table of course and can't be fully controlled. I'm a little worried about it as well but I couldn't shake the points loose for Broodlords. I'll revisit and check again. Some good thoughts.


    All gaunts are fragile. I agree that I normally prefer 16-20 in those squads but I kinda wanted everything to be useful in this list. Not a bad call on the points going to HG. I'm going to playtest this and see if I need more anti-tank and if I do that was the direction I was headed :)

  4. I think I would just knock down the size on the stealer broods by the appropriate amount to get the broodlords. They just bring way more to the table than the bodies they replace in my experience. Plus it makes the unit a bit more compact and that much easier to hide/get into cover.

  5. 10 Devo-gaunts just don't generate enough damage to merit inclusion in the list, IMO.

    I'd either rather have 20 borer-gaunts (better use of tervigon upgrades and better at objective holding) or 10 borer-gaunts and 2 hive guard.

    Playtest it though, obviously.

  6. I think the 10 gants is fine. Imo, they are really just there to unload the Tervigons as troops and they will produce the extra you need.
