
Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Daemons

So I've seen another rash of Daemon postings on DakkaDakka and Nick (Yermom) also put a series of Batreps ( ) the Battle for Salvation which has also gotten my mind working. First off let's start with a picture of the army I took to the Nova Open in Virginia in August:

As you can see it's a counts-as army based on the Adeptus Mechanicus. Not a great shot but I have to say thank you to Danny Internets of for the picture since I didn't bring one that day. Now back to the topic.

I've been seeing more daemon stuff lately and it's got me thinking of experimenting a little more. Obviously my biggest problem is finding a suitable way to represent some units (ex. Greater Daemons) in my army but I do still want to try out a few options.

First off Nick got me thinking about expanding my Crushers (the "Enhanced" Ogres) and trying out a Bloodthirster or two. I'm running circles in my head trying to think of a way to build a "Bloodthirster" but haven't managed one yet. I'm also considering expanding my Crushers and adding Seekers to my fast attack. The Seekers would be easy as I'd use the old Ork warbikes without the guns as mounted outriders. Here is a list I'm thinking of:

Herald of Tzeentch-100
Chariot, Bolt, Gaze, Master of Sorcery

Herald of Tzeentch-100
Chariot, Bolt, Gaze, Master of Sorcery

Unholy Might

5 Bloodcrushers-215
Musician, Rending

5 Bloodcrushers-215
Musician, Rending

6 Fiends of Slaanesh-180

5 Plague Bearers-75

5 Plague Bearers-75

5 Plague Bearers-75

5 Horrors-100
Bolt of Tzeentch, Changling

8 Seekers-136

8 Seekers-136

Daemon Prince-160
Tzeentch, Bolt, Gaze

Daemon Prince-160
Tzeentch, Bolt, Gaze

It lacks a little bit of the shooting of my current Daemon build (seen in the picture) but makes up for quite a bit of it in extra combat power. It's a little more prone to "bad wave" syndrome than my current list but I think it has all the parts it needs. I'm not sold on the Seekers but since I wanted more Crushers this is where I'm going to get my insane amount of attacks (40 per squad on the charge). Granted they'll go down easy but hopefully there will be enough targets to spread the love around so some stuff gets thru.

Thats it for tonight. I'm gonna have to test this out and maybe build some models for it for our next 2k RTT round here. Which will be at the Game Empire in Pasadena on the second saturday of November.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you should be able to simulate the Greater Daemons with something along the lines of a mini-titan or a super-dreadnaught. If you didn't want to do that much scratch-building, you could probably take a basic Dreadnaught model and upsize it a bit (add spacers to make it taller and wider) then add various forgeworld and other dread/sentinel bitz to get the look you are going for.

    BTW, nice blog. I'm looking forward to what you have to say about the Tyranids and other tactical/listbuilding stuff.
