
Friday, October 29, 2010

Just for Shep!

Fine Shep, here is your silly Genestealers and the Parasite. And since the list might even work at the Invitational I think I'm gonna play test it at a tourney next weekend.


Parasite of Mortrex-160


2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100


10 Termagants-50

10 Termagants-50

Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Spine Clusters

Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Spine Clusters

18 Genestealers-252

-Fast Attack-

22 Gargoyles-176
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

-Heavy Support-



2 Carnifexes-320

There is your speed and it still has the Carnies to help steamroll them nasty Nobz but has the fast flying elements for disruption. I like it actually….damn Shep…


  1. Yep... that's looking really good. :)

    Turn 2 party pooping from the stealers and gargoyles occupies my manticores/russes and your long fangs. Hive guard are still there to give stealers something to eat and tervigons something to lay pie on.

    Heavy support just makes sure nothing vehicular is around to contest midfield objectives at the end of the game.

    A well deployed, well designed, layered infantry/vehicle gunline can win against it with good target priority and some decent rolling... And although I don't know how to make one, I'm sure a close combat army could fight for a win here too. But I don't think this build has any glaring weakness.

    I'm pretty sure my lazy platoonless mechvet list and my terrible attempts at all shooty space wolves won't have the "real" anti infantry to get bullied off mid-table by this thing.

    Don't you think you'd feel a little more comfortable with this against a shooter?

  2. I think it actually works best against a shooting based army. It's set to hit in layered waves of nastiness and their are no good targets. A pure assault armie doesn't worry me as much either simply because they have to get out to get me and I can pretty much eat 99% of assault armies even if I won't have much left afterwards.

    The biggest threat to this list is a well structured shooty w/a heavy or extremely efficient hand-to-hand element. But the ranged shooting has to include anti-infantry shooting. It can't be all Las/Plas or Missile Launcher. It needs to have a balance of both to work. But most people don't go that route and this list capitalizes on that.

  3. I like this one best so far. I'd run it myself at DaBoyz but 2 weeks isn't enough time to paint my gargoyles and stealers.

    18 Stealers in cover and 18" from an enemy can't be ignored on t1 and would take most of an army's shooting to deal with. Then there's 22 super-gargs with the parasite and probably FnP which the can't ignore and if they commit to dealing with those, the Trygons hit home unscathed. You've forced your opponent to make decisions in the order you want.

    The beauty is I don't see anyone possibly even targetting Tervigons until late game, if at all.

  4. @Hulk - What do you use for your parasite model?

  5. I use a Ravener body w/Warrior head. The top arm spots are the old metal chaos daemon prince wings and then he's got genestealer rending claws and either hormagant or genestealer scything talons. Not sure and I don't want to walk down stairs right now :)

  6. Nice. I'd been thinking of a winged ravener body as well, with the forgeworld warrior wings (picked up a set at Baltimore Games Day). It seemed like it ought to work well, glad to know that basic build is working for you.
