
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can Tyranids Compete? Part 3

So we're just going to jump right into this. The previous parts of this article can be found here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Here is my second list I've been tinkering with. It's much faster than the previous list but is doesn't hit quite as hard as it lacks the large Prime/Carnifex hammer unit. The other list is a crushing force where this one is dependent on proper use of your units to keep the enemy off balance faster so that you can pick him apart. It also has more shooting than the previous list by quite a large margin. Well enough of that, let's get to the list and then discuss the merits of both lists, important notes on some of the units in the lists, and how I feel they stack up.

Parasite of Mortrex-160

Hive Tyrant-270
Wings, Bonesword and Lashwhip, Twin-Linked Devourers, Paroxysm, Leech Life, Old Adversary

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100

10 Termagants-50

17 Termagants-170

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

-Fast Attack-
30 Gargoyles-240
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

-Heavy Support-
Adrenal Glands

Adrenal Glands

Just at first glance you can see this list has more speed. The Winged Tyrant, Parasite, and 30 Gargoyles are your pressure and harassment unit. Working together it's also one of the nastiest CC units in existence. You'll also note the extra squad of 2 Hive Guard. This list needs a little more ranged anti-tank due to its more limited CC combat vehicle killing ability. The bulk of the forces move up together, including the Trygons that start on the table. It actually has the same amount of T6 wounds as the previous list just dispersed differently. Gargoyles are hard to position correctly due to their wings and the awkwardness of the models but it's important when you deploy in a pitch battle deployment to spread them across your front to make sure you can land in CC as fast as possible across the board. That's the quick version of how this army works so let's look into more specific tactics for units inside both of these army lists.

In these lists I tend to use the Tervigons to spawn only when needed. So against a CC oriented army I don't spawn until I feel like the Tervigons are threatened. Even then it's not to swarm an opponent but to hem them in and force them to charge the gants, keeping the Tervigon safe for another turn. Against a shooting heavy list I spawn early and as often as I can to ensure scoring units and target dispersal. I only have 2 Tervigons and they are a threat as long as they can spawn more models against CC oriented armies. The minute they poop out you make target priority easier on your opponent and have removed a head threat from the game. They do advance with the rest of my forces but as yet have seen very little combat unless I was using them to tip the balance in a precarious combat.

In 90% of games with either list these models start on the table. Unless I'm playing against a reserve army this is the best place for them. They will generally make combat by turn 2-3 (depending on how aggressive my opponent is) and add another threat on the table. People shooting at them aren't shooting at scoring Tervigons or Raveners or a multitude of my other units. It tends to heavily overload your opponents sense to target priority.

I also like knowing where everything is and when it's going to be there. I get my random out of my Daemons and all my other armies tend to avoid it like the plague. It gives my opponent the chance to easily shape his strategy but I feel that the profusion of threats and the consistency make up for this though. Trygons are also amazing for chasing down and tearing apart things like Landraiders and other faster vehicles since the dual scything talons allows re-rolls to hit on all misses.

-Hive Guard-
These are fire suppression units and early game fire support that I don't expect to survive until late game. I find that this unit is required as much for its ranged anti-tank as for its threat value. Again target confusion is the key for successful Tyranids and no matter what they shoot a well-built Tyranid army wins since there are so many threats and damage dealing units out there. Don't be afraid to run them on turn one if your slightly unsure about their range. Worst thing that can happen is that you miss out on two turns of shooting instead of one making targeting easier.

Units not in Both Lists

-Winged Tyrant-
So with the way he's set up you can use him to kill light vehicles which the TL-Dev's do quite well and he's a large, fast, scary threat that focuses the enemies' attention rather well. His Old Adversary means that he's giving Preferred Enemy for the Gargoyles which can make them even more deadly. His psychic powers double this up by making even Gargoyles 5+ to hit in combat. He's a super unit upgrader and a threat in his own right.

He's not a unit killer on his own. He's another enhancing unit that in every game I've gotten in with him has created a large unit of rippers that really, really help out. Key is to make sure there is space around him even in combat so that he can deploy any rippers he creates. Positioning is critical here.

-Carnifex and Prime Unit-
I'll touch on it briefly in this article as well since I think this unit is crucial to the other list. This is your big threat unit that most people won't fire a single shot at. They won't shoot at it too much generally due to several factors a) generally have FnP b)They'll see the unit as slow c)Cover Saved MC's and wound allocation. Because of these reasons it's essential to funnel the enemy units toward them. Squeeze the enemy forces with your faster units like Raveners, Trygons, and Ygmarls so that they help close the distance between both units.

Hope that helps guys. I've hit my 1,000 word limit so the last segment will be:
  1. Why I feel these lists work in the current meta
  2. Why I feel Nids are competitive
  3. Some Alternate ideas that can be competitive but that follow a different strategic track
Till then J


  1. Nice analysis on tyranids mate. I have 2 questions for you. First, does the flyrant actually work for you? Most armies i play against (which is basically all flavour armies) have enough ranged weapons to take him down on turn 1 and that is even with cover. Maybe I don't use him properly I assumed and i dropped him.
    Second. Never used parasite, how does that fare for you?
    Again thanks for the contribution.

  2. Thanks Akt.

    First the Tyrant has a tendency to die turn 2 in almost every game I've played with him. But that generally requires most of the opponents shooting (unless I'm facing SW's missile spam). I generally hit him and the Garg unit up with FnP to make him last longer. Something about a flying MC that makes people uncomfortable. The good thing is he basically gives my other units a 2 turn free start as they generally take a low level of hits while the Tyrant is alive. It's a 270pt distraction unit that you can't ignore cause it'll rip your army apart. Works pretty well for me.

    As for the Parasite I love him in lists like this. He generally generates 1-2 d6 rippers over the course of the game but since he's in the backfield already I use those units to tie up other enemy shooters or support units until my other stuff can hammer them flat. With that in mind the Parasite is directly responsible for more than a few of my wins. He's not a killy, allstar, doomsday machine but he's solid and can keep up with the Gargoyles. Hope that helps Akt.

  3. Are you running the gargoyles as one monster brood or 2x15?

  4. A single monster brood :) I've found I need it if the Tyrant dies early or I outpace my Catalysts.

  5. Cool, thanks. I think it would be very interesting/helpful to at some point put up battlereports using these lists, so that people can see the context in which you are using them. What units worked together how and why, etc.

  6. I plan to. I've got an RTT on the 13th of November where I'll probably be taking my Tyranids and then there is an Invitational that I qualified for in December. I should have 2-3 Tournament Batreps up before Christmas rolls around and then hopefully 1-2 tournaments mothnly from there on out.

  7. Nice! Definitely looking forward to seeing those.

  8. The hive tyrant certainly can die on turn 2. The trick is to build a list that doesn't care. The right nid list will present the hive tyrant as a target, but will also present other important targets that need to die on the same timeframe. This one does that.

    It is a shame that you can't really count on the synapse or the buffing abilities of the flyrant as a nid player, but they do serve as a pretty good motivator for your opponent to prioritize him. Use that :)
