
Friday, October 22, 2010

Blood Angels w/Stormravens!

So I've seen a serious lack of Stormravens out there on the tournament scene. And I've never seen more than 1 fielded at a time. I have to ask is it because there isn't an official model or is it because people truly don't believe it's competitive. Or is it a combination of not having a model making people not want to playtest it to see if it's competitive? Well I've got two very simple conversions based on a Valk (I mean really, really simple) and I was thinking about a list that could use them. So this is what I came up with:




5 Assault Terminators-225

Furioso Dreadnought-135
Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer

Furioso Dreadnought-135
Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer


5 Assault Marines-130
HF Razorback, Melta

5 Assault Marines-130
HF Razorback, Melta

5 Assault Marines-130
HF Razorback, Melta

5 Assault Marines-130
HF Razorback, Melta

5 Assault Marines-130
HF Razorback, Melta

-Heavy Support-

TL-Assault Cannon, TL-Multi Melta

TL-Assault Cannon, TL-Multi Melta

6 Devastators-201
4xMissile Launchers, HF Razorback

So that is the list. You could make some minor tweaks and drop the Devastators to get 2 Assault Cannon Baals or to upgrade all the Razorbacks to Assault Cannons but I think the list is pretty solid. You're taking full advantage of the Stormravens by having 2 assault units (Mephiston/Termies) and 2 Furioso Dreads. You have the option of launching a missile barrage round 1 or moving in fast. The troops can keep up with the assault elements and aren't to shabby offensively either while keeping up a massive number of targets on the table.



  1. I think its more the model availability, although IG and SW firepower may scare some folks away from a 200+ point AR12 model.

    I like the list. Had something similar hashed out when the codex came out (not to actually run, just like to make lists for codexes to see what they can do), but had typhoon speeders and typhoon lauchers on the storms for ML spammage instead of the devs.

  2. Looks a bit short on the ranged dakka to me. Typhoons, Rifledreads, las/plas Razors, and the like would be handy methinks. Burnybacks and Stormravens rock though.

  3. It's definitely short on the range. But I like the in your face style. I think it has enough ranged shooting to provide cover fire for the first turn until assault start but I didn't want to over-do it since you won't need that much shooting once you close with opposing
